relocraft GmbH

Thinking about relocating to Germany?

You got this. relocraft has got you covered and will give you all the information you need by the time you need it. The App is taylored to facilitate your journey to you new destination.

Looking for a new opportunity?

One of the most common challenges companies face when hiring from abroad is navigating the complex visa and immigration requirements.
When you hire an employee from a different time zone, it can be challenging to coordinate schedules and communication. Manage your tasks effectively with relocraft.

Not sure how it works?

Support your incoming colleagues via the click of a button. Make their arrival easier by providing them with the guidelines to their new home. Observe them thrive in their new professional challenge while all the immigration related tasks are kept track of by relocraft.

Relax and take the leap

Relocraft works extensively on the user friendliness of the German immigration system. Though we cannot guarantee local authorities increasing their transparency and speed, we are pouring our relocation expertise into the relocraft App for anyone to use and enjoy. If you ever get stuck we will provide a selected expert from our national network to assist you in person with their service.

Want to explore what relocraft can do?

Send us your enquiry